From History archives, year-2023
Workshop on Microwave Theory and Technology in Wireless Communications 2023 MTTW’23
The Workshop on Microwave Theory and Technology in Wireless Communication (MTTW’23) ( is another continuation of a long tradition of holding communication workshops and conferences at the Riga Technical University. This year the Workshop will take place on October 4–6 and will be one of the fundamental activities of ICT fest ( and the annual celebration of the IEEE Day in Baltic states. A series of scientific events dedicated to technological progress on the edge that takes place in the very center of the city of the 13th century on the shores of the Baltic Sea creates a unique atmosphere of conjugation of times. The Workshop has traditionally been a place of scientific acquaintance and fertile soil for many scientific, academic, and industrial projects nurtured in the fields of the Workshop.
Participation in the workshop is supported by IEEE Latvia COM/MTT/AP joint chapter, IEEE Latvia section, and Riga Technical University, RTU Space Electronics and Signal Processing Laboratory – SpacESPro Lab, RTU Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics. The Workshop is held in-person and will contain a special online session.
Registration fee
Regular participant | € 400 |
Regular participant (IEEE member) | € 350 |
PC member | € 300 |
PC member (IEEE member) | € 250 |
Student participant | € 160 |
Student participant (IEEE member) | € 80 |
Accompanying person (includes historical tour and conference dinner) | € 75 |
40% fee reduction on additional paper |
The Workshop accepts two types of submissions:
- 4–6 pages long IEEE-style papers. The accepted and presented papers will be added to the Proceedings of the Workshop, published in IEEE Xplore and indexed in SCOPUS and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
- Short one-page long abstracts. The authors of the accepted and presented submissions will have an opportunity to publish an extended version of the paper in the special issue of the ICT and Management journal and indexed in EBSCO and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Note that the article accepted will be published only in the case of an in-person or remote presentation.
List of Topics
Wireless Communications
- Communication Systems
- Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence
- Sensor Networks and IoT
- Wireless System Architecture
- Propagation Channel Modeling
- MIMO and Multi-Antenna Communications
- Software-Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio
- Ad-hoc and Cell-Based Networking
- Ultra-Wideband Communication
- Quantum Communications
- Chaotic Communications
Microwave Theory and Technology
- Antenna Technologies
- Microwave Electronics
- Microwave Photonics
- MM-Wave to THz Technology and Applications
- Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting
- Biomedical and Environmental Applications
- Electromagnetic Field Theory and Numerical Techniques
- 3D and Novel Engineered Materials
- Measurement Techniques and Systems
- Passive Components, Circuits, and Subsystems
- Active Components, Circuits, and Subsystems
Important dates
1st call paper submission due: | June 16, 2023, June 30, 2023, July 7, 2023 |
1st call notification to authors: | July 28, 2023, August 1, 2023 |
2nd call paper submission due: | August 25, 2023 |
2nd call notification to authors: | September 5, 2023 |
Attendance Registration due: | September 10, 2023, September 17, 2023, September 24, 2023, September 30, 2023 |
Camera ready due: | September 15, 2023, September 24, 2023, September 30, 2023 |
Conference | October 4-6, 2023 |
The Workshop will be held on the campus of Riga Technical University— at the Scientific Library of RTU, Riga. Address: Paula Valdena street 5, LV1048.

Contact information
All questions about submissions should be e-mailed to:
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Anna Litvinenko | IEEE |
Andrejs Romanovs | IEEE |
Nadezda Kunicina | IEEE |
Scientific Committee
Chair: | |||
Anna | Litviņenko | IEEE | |
Technical co-chair: | |||
Andrejs | Romanovs | IEEE | |
Nadezda | Kunicina | IEEE | |
International Scientific Committee: | |||
Oscar | Quevedo-Teruel | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | |
Darius | Plonis | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | |
Yury | Shestopalov | University of Gävle | |
Rasa | Brūzgienė | Kaunas University of Technology | |
Andrius | Katkevičius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | |
Luciano | Tarricone | University of Salento in Lecce | |
Dimitar | Arnaudov | Technical University of Sofia | |
Zlatka | Valkova-Jarvis | Technical University of Sofia | |
Minh | Nguyen | Thai Nguyen University of Technology | |
Ingo | Gaspard | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | |
Christoph | Krauß | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | |
Emanuel | Puschita | Technical University of Cluj-Napoca | |
Mart | Min | Tallinn University of Technology | |
Jānis | Semeņako | Riga Technical University | |
Māris | Tērauds | Riga Technical University | |
Deniss | Kolosovs | Riga Technical University | |
Izzet | Kale | University of Westminster | |
Local Organizing Committee: | |||
Romāns | Kušņins | Riga Technical University | |
Jānis | Eidaks | Riga Technical University | |
Ruslans | Babajans | Riga Technical University | |
Darja | Čirjuļina | Riga Technical University | |
Tatjana | Solovjova | Riga Technical University | |
Filips | Čapligins | Riga Technical University | |
Ieva | Vaļska | Riga Technical University | |
Reinis Valters | Kobitjevs | Riga Technical University | |
Einārs | Platacis | Riga Technical University | |
Daniils | Surmačs | Riga Technical University | |
Valters | Neļķe | Riga Technical University |
Technical Programme Committee (TPC)
Title | Given name | Surname | Affiliation | Country name |
Dr. | Seyedreza | Abdollahi | Brunel University | United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Prof. | Andreas | Ahrens | Hochschule Wismar | Germany |
Prof. | Hamed | Al-Raweshidy | University of Brunel | United Kingdom (Great Britain) |
Dr. | Wassim | Alexan | German University in Cairo | Egypt |
Dr. | Saeed | Alsamhi | Electronics Engineering | India |
Dr. | Serdar | Ata | Istanbul Technical University | Turkey |
Mr. | Ruslans | Babajans | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Prof. | Bostjan | Batagelj | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia |
Dr. | Emna | Ben Slimane | National Engineering School of Tunis | Tunisia |
Prof. | Saad | Bennani Dosse | Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University | Morocco |
Dr. | Vadims | Bistrovs | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Vjaceslavs | Bobrovs | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Achilles | Boursianis | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece |
Dr. | Ahmed | Boutejdar | University of Magdeburg | Germany |
Dr. | Costas | Chaikalis | University of Thessaly | Greece |
Ms. | Darja | Čirjuļina | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Sasmita | Dash | University of Cyprus | Cyprus |
Prof. | George | Dekoulis | Aerospace Engineering Institute (AEI) | Cyprus |
Prof. | Rogerio | Dionisio | Instituto Politecnico de Castelo Branco | Portugal |
Prof. | Massimo | Donelli | University of Trento | Italy |
Dr. | Vivek | Dwivedi | Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida | India |
Mr. | Janis | Eidaks | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Prof. | Brahim | Elmaroud | Institut Supérieur d'Etudes Maritimes - Casablanca | Morocco |
Dr. | I | Elzein | University of Doha for Science and Technology | Qatar |
Dr. | Alessandro | Fedeli | University of Genoa | Italy |
Prof. | Markus | Gardill | Brandenburg University of Technology | Germany |
Dr. | Pratik | Ghate | FormFactor, Inc | USA |
Dr. | Hideaki | Goto | Tohoku University | Japan |
Dr. | Modris | Greitans | Institute of Electronics and Computer Science | Latvia |
Dr. | Dao | Hai | RMIT University | Vietnam |
Prof. | Horst | Hellbrück | University of Applied Sciences Lübeck | Germany |
Dr. | Aleksandrs | Ipatovs | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Slaheddine | Jarboui | National School of Engineers of Tunis | Tunisia |
Prof. | Wen-Kang | Jia | Fujian Normal University | China |
Dr. | Yasin | Kabalci | Nigde Omer Halisdemir University | Turkey |
Dr. | Saeid | Karamzadeh | Silicon Austria Labs | Austria |
Dr. | Andrius | Katkevičius | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | Lithuania |
Dr. | Sajjad | Khan | Hoseo University | Korea (South) |
Dr. | Basar | Koc | Stetson University | USA |
Mr. | Denis | Kolosov | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Dragana | Krstić | University of Niš | Serbia |
Dr. | Moustafa | Kurdi | City University | Lebanon |
Mr. | Romans | Kusnins | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Jan | Latal | VSB-Technical University of Ostrava | Czech Republic |
Dr. | Anh Ngoc | Le | Swinburne University of Technology Vietnam | Vietnam |
Dr. | Adriana | Lipovac | University of Dubrovnik | Croatia |
Dr. | Feng | Liu | Shanghai Maritime University | China |
Dr. | Robson | Maniçoba | UESB | Brazil |
Mr. | Evgeny | Markin | Bauman State Technical University | Russia |
Prof. | Holger | Maune | University of Magdeburg | Germany |
Dr. | Michael | McGuire | University of Victoria | Canada |
Dr. | Artis | Mednis | Institute of Electronics and Computer Science | Latvia |
Dr. | Idris | Messaoudene | University of Bordj Bou Arréridj | Algeria |
Dr. | Ingus | Mitrofanovs | University of Latvia | Latvia |
Dr. | Manar | Mohaisen | Northeastern Illinois University | USA |
Prof. | Ioannis | Moscholios | University of Peloponnese | Greece |
Prof. | Mohini | Naik | Don Bosco College of Engineering | India |
Dr. | Dmitry | Namiot | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russia |
Prof. | Niels | Neumann | Technische Universität Clausthal | Germany |
Mr. | André | Noll Barreto | Nokia | France |
Dr. | Roman | Odarchenko | National Aviation University | Ukraine |
Dr. | Volkan | Ozduran | Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa | Turkey |
Dr. | Xiaodan | Pang | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
Dr. | Ardhendu | Patra | Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia | India |
Dr. | Dmitrijs | Pikulins | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Nagaradjane | Prabagarane | Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering | India |
Prof. | Grienggrai | Rajchakit | Maejo University | Thailand |
Dr. | Luca | Reggiani | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
Dr. | Daniel Gaetano | Riviello | University of Bologna | Italy |
Dr. | Ramiro | Samano-Robles | Research Centre in Real Time and Embedded Systems | Portugal |
Dr. | Vladica | Sark | IHP - Leibniz-Institut für Innovative Mikroelektronik | Germany |
Dr. | Salem | Sati | Misurata University | Libya |
Prof. | Khalil | Sayidmarie | Ninevah University | Iraq |
Prof. | Manfred | Schneps-Schneppe | Ventspils University College Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre | Latvia |
Dr. | Alexandre | Serres | UFCG | Brazil |
Dr. | Mohd | Sharique | Aligarh Muslim University | India |
Dr. | Vijay | Sharma | Govt. Mahila Engineering College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, INDIA | India |
Dr. | Rolands | Shavelis | Institute of Electronics and Computer Science | Latvia |
Prof. | Yury | Shestopalov | University of Gävle | Sweden |
Prof. | Ghanshyam | Singh | Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur | India |
Dr. | Vivek | Singh | Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, INDIA | India |
Prof. | Ilmars | Slaidins | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Ms. | Tatjana | Solovjova | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Sandis | Spolitis | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Mr. | Gatis | Supols | Institute of Electronics and Computer Science | Latvia |
Prof. | Luciano | Tarricone | University of Salento | Italy |
Dr. | Chakib | Taybi | Mohammed First University | Morocco |
Dr. | Maris | Terauds | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. | Raad | Thaher | Al-Mustansiriya University | Iraq |
Mr. | Sergejs | Tjukovs | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Prof. | Zlatka | Valkova-Jarvis | Technical University of Sofia | Bulgaria |
Dr. | Roman | Volianskyi | National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" | Ukraine |
Prof. | Kaikai | Xu | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | China |
Dr. | Aws | Yonis | Ninevah University | Iraq |
Dr. | Maksym | Zaliskyi | National Aviation University | Ukraine |
Mr. | Xiang | Zhang | Hefei University of Technology | China |