From History archives, year-2023
IEEE ICTfest & MTTW’2023 Program
Riga Technical University, Scientific Library
Address: Paula Valdena street 5, 2.12 room, Riga LV1048.
Viewing sessions online
All sessions of October 4th and 5th and plenary sessions of October 6th will be transmitted in Zoom:
Meeting ID: 915 2318 6452 Passcode: 686442
Online MTTW’2023 sessions of October 6th will be transmitted in Zoom separately (see links in program). Program for parallel sessions of ITMS’2023 conference is published on and
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:30 ICTfest opening ceremony, prof. Anna Litvinenko, prof. Jānis Grabis, prof. Andrejs Romanovs, prof. Anastasija Zirovecka (
9:30 – 11:00 Discussion with Industry representatives on “Skills and perspectives of Post-COVID Young Professionals in the field of Information and Communication Technology” (
A discussion of the Industry representatives on the skills of the next generation of young professionals in information and communication technology (ICT) field will encourage all interested to participate in whole festival program. Leading industry experts from companies and universities will present, sharing perspectives and challenges in ICT education and professional development. Together we will solve how to prepare young specialists in this rapidly changing digital environment. Representatives of Accenture, Mikrotik, AirBaltic, Sadales tīkls, Lightspace Technologies companies, and the vice-rector of RTU studies will participate in the discussion. The discussion is led by RTU students Darja Cirjulina and Valters Nelke .
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30 IEEE Joint Baltic Life Member Affinity Group Discussion on “IEEE’s Contribution to Professional Development” (
In the continuation of the IEEE day, the participants of the IEEE Joint Baltic Life Member Affinity Group will share their experience and discuss the IEEE association’s contribution to professional development of young technical specialists. Experienced professionals such as Dr. Ulo Jaaksoo, Dr. Raimund Ubar, Prof. Mart Min, Prof. Jaan Jarvik from Estonia, Dr. Guntis Berzins, Dr. Imants Freibergs, Dr. Ernests Petersons from Latvia and Dr. Borisas Levitas, Dr. Irina Naidionova from Lithuania will participate in the discussion. The discussion is led by RTU prof. Anastasija Zirovecka and prof. Nadezda Kunicina.
12:30 –13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 18:00 IEEE Lithuania and Latvia Sections Workshop on Microwave Devices and Systems (
The IEEE Lithuania and Latvia Sections Workshop on Microwave Devices and Systems gathers Baltic experts from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest innovative solutions and research results in the development of measuring equipment and devices. The workshop is led by RTU Anna Litvinenko
13: 30 – 14:15“Magnetic Field Measurement in Magnetic Pulse Forming and Welding Systems“, Voitech Stankevič 1,2, Pavel Piatrou1, Nerija Žurauskienė1, 2, Skirmantas Keršulis1 –
1Department of Functional Materials and Electronics, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Sauletekio ave. 3, LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania,
2Faculty of Electronics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Naugarduko 41, LT-03227 Vilnius, Lithuania
Magnetic pulse welding (MPW) is a collision welding process, which uses a high velocity impact to join the two metals. This method allows for the joining of similar and dissimilar metals without the input of external heat and without any critical formation of their intermetallic phases. Sheets, profiles, and tubes can be processed. During the MPW process the parts being welded are positioned inside a tool coil. During the fast discharge of the capacitor banks via the coil, a magnetic field is generated around the coil, which leads to eddy currents in the electrically conductive flyer part positioned in close vicinity to the coil. The eddy currents induced in the flyer create an opposite magnetic field and a repulsive Lorentz force. This force causes the flyer to quickly accelerate plastically and to impact with the inner parent at an extremely high velocity resulting in a metallic bond. One of the simplest ways of obtaining information about the electromagnetic processes which take place during MPW is to measure the waveform of the magnetic field in the gap between the coil or field shaper and the flyer. In this work, it was investigated how fast, small size CMR-B-scalar sensors could be used for the measurements of the magnetic field magnitudes in the gap between the flyer and the field shaper during MPW and how they can provide quick, non-destructive evaluations of the weld quality.
and “Magnetic Field Dynamics During Magnetic Pulse Forming“
Pavel Piatrou1, Jorūnas Dobilas1, Voitech Stankevič 1,2
1Department of Functional Materials and Electronics, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania,
2Faculty of Electronics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Magnetic Pulse Forming (MPF) is an innovative and environmentally friendly method of forming metal workpieces by the controlled application of magnetic forces. To ensure the quality and accuracy of the MPF process, it is important to monitor the dynamics of the applied magnetic field magnitude in real time. Analysis of the magnetic field dynamics can provide information about the material forming process. This paper discusses the possibility of using manganite oxide-based sensors as an effective control method in the MPF process. Sensors based on manganite oxides (e.g., La1-xSrxMnO3) have a colossal magnetoresistance, their compact size allows to be placed in the gap between the workpiece and the coil, and they are ideal candidates for monitoring the dynamics of magnetic fields with a magnitude of more than 1 Tesla and a duration of tens of microseconds. Numerical modeling of the workpiece deformation process and the dynamics of the magnetic field in the gap between the workpiece and the coil are discussed.
14:15 – 14:50 “Field hetrogenity estimatiom for sixth-order symmetrical current loop systems“, Romans Kusnis, Janis Semenako, Anna Litvinenko, Raivis, Deksnis – Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
The magnetic field of symmetrical three-coil DC current loop systems is investigated. All coils are arranged in parallel with their centers aligned along the same axis. The obtained results are applicable to very low-frequency current fields. Assuming negligible cross-sections for the coils, we derive a universal solution for the magnetic field expressed in terms of elliptic integrals, with the coil radii and distances between them serving as system parameters. The commonly used design technique for coil systems that aims to provide maximally homogeneous fields relies on expanding the field generated by the coil system into a Taylor series centered at the origin. In our investigation, the coil system is oriented so that the axis connecting the coil centers corresponds to the z-axis, with the coordinate z=0 representing the center of symmetry. This orientation ensures homogeneity along the z-axis, which, in turn, guarantees a sufficient level of field uniformity in other directions around the origin.
Analytical calculations reveal that the axial component of the magnetic field along the z-axis is an odd function of z. Consequently, the Taylor series exclusively contains even-order terms. To enhance field homogeneity, several lower-order even derivatives within the series can be set to zero. For a tri-coil system, physically realizable solutions are obtained by setting the 2nd and 4th-order derivatives equal to zero, resulting in a sixth-order tri-coil system. Importantly, there exist infinitely many such solutions achieved by varying the radius of the middle coil and the distance of the outer coils from the center. Notably, coil systems where the radius of the middle coil falls within 0.5 to 1.5 times the radius of the outer coils are particularly interesting for practical applications.
The primary focus of this research is to determine which of these coil systems offers the best field uniformity (heterogeneity). To address this, we investigate how to evaluate and compare the heterogeneity of such coil systems, despite their differing geometric dimensions and occupied volumes. Furthermore, we explore the extent to which the non-zero terms in the Taylor series impact field homogeneity. The research findings highlight the absence of universal solutions and emphasize the need for additional criteria tailored to specific applications, such as constraints on maximum radial system size or dimensions in the longitudinal direction.
14.50 – 15:25 “Overview of in-vehicle microwave sensors” , Dr. Eldar Sabanovic
Senior Research Fellow at Transport and Logistics Competence Centre, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Associate Professor at Department of Electronic Systems, Faculty of Electronics
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH)
In the rapidly evolving landscape of automotive technology, the integration of microwave sensors has emerged as a pivotal advancement, enhancing vehicle safety, performance, and user experience. This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of in-vehicle microwave sensors, elucidating their fundamental principles, diverse applications, and the transformative impact they have on modern transportation.
Microwave sensors, operating in the electromagnetic spectrum, offer unique advantages over traditional sensors, including their ability to function in adverse weather conditions, penetrate non-metallic materials, and provide high-resolution data. These attributes make them particularly suitable for automotive applications.
The overview covers these topics: Fundamentals of Microwave Sensing, Adaptive Cruise Control and Collision Avoidance, Blind Spot Detection and Lane Change Assistance, Parking Assistance and Autonomous Parking, In-Cabin Monitoring, Challenges, and Future Prospects.
In conclusion, as vehicles become increasingly autonomous and connected, the role of microwave sensors will be paramount. This overview aims to shed light on the current state of this technology and its potential to redefine the future of transportation.
15:25– 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 – 16:20 ” Advanced techniques for Wireless power transfer“, Janis Eidaks1 , Romans Kusnins 1, Ruslans Babajans 1 , Darja Cirjulina 1, 2 , Anna Litvinenko 1,2
1 Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia,
2 SpacESPro Lab, Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
The growing number of low-power wireless devices and sensors led to the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in various branches of industry, agriculture, medicine, etc. With such wide application, the powering of the autonomous sensor nodes (SNs) poses a challenge since batteries are the most common power source of the SNs. The growing interest in overcoming this challenge was directed toward developing far field wireless power transfer (WPT). While the given powering technique is feasible, WPT performance enhancement is the main challenge. The device-level improvements focus on enhancing the performance of the WPT nodes. This includes improving the performance of the RF-DC converters, energy storage solutions, and the design of power-carrying signal waveforms. The network-level improvements are focused on incorporating and combining new technologies, such as multi-hop transfer and beamforming, to increase the performance of WPT on a network scale. The current project aims to investigate and experimentally study several innovative techniques of wireless power transfer: multi-hop energy transfer, passive beamforming using intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs), and application of RF powering signals adapted to the transmission channel. The research also studies the combinations of the techniques for more efficient WPT.
16:20 – 16:55 “Open structures in electromagnetics: scientific heritage of Victor P. Shestopalov“, Yury Shestopalov – Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, University of Gävle, Sweden.
We briefly summarize the milestones describing comprehensive scientific acitivities and results achieved by Victor P. Shestopalov and his disciples in the fields specifically connected with applications of the nonselfadjoint operator spectral theory in electromagnetics of open structures. We emphasize that his achievements paved the way to creating the modern level of the mathematical theory of wave propagation and diffraction and resulted in constructing efficient solution techniques and discovery of various phenomena and effects.
16:55 – 17:30 “Mobile FMCW Radar Technology in cm Range” Dr. Borisas Levitas, Michael Drozdov, Matvej Khazarov – Geozondas LTD, Lithuania.
An overview of frequency domain Software Defined Radars (SDR) was completed. The Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar with multiple receiving antennas after the initial processing (some form of Fourier transforms) creates a Range-Azimuth-Doppler 3D data array on each frame. The schemes and signal processing algorithms of SDR through wall radar developing in frame of project FRED were described. A printed Aperture Stacked Patch Antenna were calculated and simulated. 4 antenna transmitting array and 8 antenna receiving array form a 32 elements virtual array. A decade convolutional neural networks (CNN) is used to improve probability and accuracy of though wall live being target detection and localization with a minimum number of false alarms. Our goal with the CNN was to improve the performance of the proprietary FMCW radar, find a data representation that allows to conveniently store the radar data but also have an efficient data pipeline during the training phase and find a set of data augmentation strategies to avoid overfitting to the training set.
17:30 – 18:00 “Event timer-based PPM transceiver design and implementation“, Arturs Aboltins1, Tatjana Solovjova1, Viktors Kurtenoks2
1 Institute of Microwave Engineering and Electronics Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
2 Eventech Ltd, Riga, Latvia
The employment of event timers for the demodulation of pulse position modulation (PPM) signals allows the building of data communication systems with unprecedented energy efficiency and competitive transmission speeds. PPM modulation techniques can be employed for space communications, sensor networks, high-accuracy integrated sensing and communications.
This presentation is devoted to the PPM transceiver design capable of transmitting data with a data transfer speed of up to 160 Mbit/s and energy efficiency of less than 5 pJ/bit. The transceiver employs Eventech ESTT-01 event-timer to demodulate the signal, whereas the modulation uses high-speed digital delay lines. In the first part, design decisions, main challenges and prospects of high-speed communication using PPM. are addressed. The second part analyzes the impact of optical and microwave links on the transmitted waveform, and electro-optical solutions for transmitter/receiver front-ends are proposed. It will be shown how a pulse expander could be implemented either in the optical or in the electrical domain of the PPM communication link to satisfy the requirements of the event timer for input signal duration.
18:00 – 20:00 Social program – a guided tour In Old Riga town (
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 10:30 Keynote speeches
9:00 – 9:45 Prof. Oscar Quevedo-Teruel (Sweden) – A fast ray-tracing code for the simulation of lens antennas (
In this talk, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the operation of a ray-tracing code that can be used to calculate in a few seconds, and extremely accurately, the radiation pattern, efficiency and gain of lens antennas. Lenses are an excellent candidate for new applications in the millimeter frequency regime, especially for antennas with low-scan losses. For example, they are being considered for antenna solutions in 5G/6G, satellite communications in Low-Earth Orbit constellations and automotive radars. However, their simulation and optimization are time-consuming due to their large dimensions in terms of wavelength. In this presentation, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the theory of ray-tracing, its features, and he will demonstrate its operation with some practical examples.
9:45 – 10:30 Prof. Mike Hinchey (UK) – Is There Anything That Isn’t Software? (
In this rapidly changing world, evolving technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Mobile Computing are combining to disrupt traditional models and radically change how we live, work, and interact. More importantly, these technologies change the way we live and do business: the world’s largest bookstore is a Cloud Computing provider, and the largest fleet of cars in the world is operated by an app provider. Areas such as healthcare have been transformed dramatically, with better analysis, imaging, detection, diagnosis, treatment, robot-assisted surgery, and even significant advances in sharing health records. We eagerly await the day when cars, buses, trucks, and railways are self-driven, and Industry 4.0 is already upon us, and of course we claim the use of AI in just about everything. All of these advances are entirely dependent on software. We ask the question: is there anything that isn’t software?
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30 MTTW Workshop sessions (Session A1-I Wireless communications in-person) ( / ITMS conference sessions (online)
Session A1-I Wireless communications in person – chairs Deniss Kolosovs, Darius Plonis
11:00–11:15 Challenges for Designing an FPGA-Based Data Link Layer Processor Dedicated to Sub-THz Communication paper
Yiyun Jian; Lukasz Lopacinski; Klaus Tittelbach-Helmrich; Matthias Scheide; Karthik Krishnegowda; Eckhard Grass
11:15–11:30 Q-Learning Inspired Method for Antenna Azimuth Selection in Cellular Networks paper
Darius Chmieliauskas; Aamir Mahmood; Sarunas Paulikas; Kyi Thar; Mikael Gidlund
11:30–11:45 Congestion Probabilities in a Mobile Hotspot Supporting Quasi-Random Traffic paper
Marinos Vlasakis; Ioannis Moscholios; Panagiotis Sarigiannidis; Michael D. Logothetis
11:45–12:00 Fundamental Frequency Impact on Colpitts Chaos Oscillator Dynamics paper
Darja Čirjuļina; Ruslans Babajans; Deniss Kolosovs; Anna Litvinenko
12:00–12:15 Experimental Study on Analog and Discrete Chaos Oscillators Synchronization paper
Ruslans Babajans; Darja Čirjuļina; Deniss Kolosovs; Anna Litvinenko
12:15–12:30 Performance Evaluation of Frequency Modulated Antipodal Chaos Shift Keying Digital Communication System paper
Filips Capligins; Anna Litvinenko; Deniss Kolosovs
12:30 – 13.30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 15.30 MTTW Workshop sessions ( Session A2 Microwave Technology in- person) ( / ITMS conference sessions (online)
Session A2 Microwave Technology in person – chairs Tatjana Solovjova, Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
13:30–13:45 Axial Cylindrical Three-Coil Systems for Producing a Uniform Magnetic Field paper
Janis Semenako; Romans Kusnins; Anna Litvinenko; Raivis Deksnis
13:45–14:00 Study on a Metal Closet Based Wireless Power Transfer System for Smart Suit Charging paper
Romans Kusnins; Dmitrijs Pikulins; Sergejs Tjukovs; Janis Eidaks; Arturs Aboltins
14:00–14:15 Wireless Induction Charging Station for Industrial Applications paper
Pēteris Aizpurietis; Didzis Lapsa; Niklāvs Barkovskis; Arnis Salmins; Rims Janeliukštis; Kaspars Ozols
14:15–14:30 Ray-Tracing Model for Planar Mikaelian Lens Antennas paper
Mingzheng Chen; Francisco Mesa; Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
14:30–14:45 Analyzing Glide-Symmetric Structures with Method-Of-Moments paper
Martin Petek; Javier Rivero; Jorge A. Tobon Vasquez; Guido Valerio; Oscar Quevedo-Teruel; Francesca Vipiana
14:45–15:00 Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Superdirective Broadband Wire-Bundle Antenna paper
Dmytro Vovchuk; Gilad Uziel; Andrey Machnev; Mykola Khobzei; Vladyslav Tkach; Vjaceslavs Bobrovs; Pavel Ginzburg
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 MTTW Workshop sessions ( A1-II Wireless communications in-person) ( / ITMS conference sessions (online)
A1-II Wireless communications in person – chairs Anna Litvinenko , Dmytro Vovchuk
16:00–16:15 Making Ping Feint to Avoid Service State Desynchronization paper
Dmitrijs Rjazanovs; Artjoms Ratkuns; Toms Kārklinš; Inna Nagla; Aleksandrs Ipatovs
16:15–16:30 Nonlinearity Calibration Method for the Picosecond Precision Time Interval Meter paper
Viktorija Smetskaja; Anna Litvinenko; Viktors Kurtenoks
16:30–16:45 Deep Learning-Based Radio Frequency Identification of False Base Stations paper
Jan Bolcek; Jan Kufa; Michal Harvanek; Ladislav Polak; Jan Kral; Roman Marsalek
16:45–17:00 Method of Choosing Chaotic Spreading Sequences for Communication Systems paper
Serhii Haliuk; Andrii Yanchak; Oleh Krulikovskyi; Dmytro Vovchuk
17:00 – 18.30 Guided tour to RTU campus (
18:30 – 20.30 Gala Dinner in RTU (
8:30 – 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 10:30 Keynote speeches
9:00 – 9:45 Prof. Izzet Kale (UK) – Balanced Model Truncation and its Practical Real-World Applications (
This talk will look into the theoretical foundations of Balanced Model Truncation (BMT) which has its origins in the Control Engineering literature, and cover the practical implementation steps, with a view to deploying it in real-world DSP applications.The speaker will provide a number of examples from the use of the BMT technique, in actual product design and development, from project undertaken for various sectors of industry, where the BMT technique has made a very substantial difference in system order reduction as well as complexity reduction, which resulted in substantial footprint and power reduction in the actual circuit level implementations.
9:45 – 10.30 Asoc. Prof. Alex Norta (Estonia) – Global Development Trends of Blockchain Technology (
Blockchain technology has evolved rapidly over the past decade, from the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 to the emergence of programmable blockchains like Ethereum. This keynote speech will provide an overview of the global development trends in blockchain technology. It will cover the evolution from Blockchain 1.0 focused on cryptocurrencies to Blockchain 2.0 enabling smart contracts and decentralized applications. Architectures like directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have also emerged to address scalability and other limitations.
The speech will highlight major public blockchain infrastructure projects and applications like decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized metaverses, and blockchain games. It will also discuss enterprise blockchain adoption with use cases, Blockchain-as-a-Service offerings, and alliances like the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Government initiatives around blockchain will be covered, including the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) and central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects.
The talk provides a comprehensive overview of global blockchain trends relevant to IT professionals, researchers, and developers working in this rapidly evolving space.
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break & Special PhD poster session (
11:00 – 12:30 MTTW Workshop sessions (Session B1 Wireless communications remotely) ( / ITMS conference sessions (in person)
Session B1 Wireless communications remotely – chairs Arturs Aboltins, Dmitrijs Pikulins ZOOM link Meeting ID: 977 6392 2833
11:00–11:15 Bit Error Rate Performance of Real-Valued Spreading Sequences in DSSS-CSK Based Wireless Communications paper
Lukasz Lopacinski; Nebojsa Maletic; Alireza Hasani; Muhammad Nauman; Jesús Gutiérrez; Eckhard Grass
11:15–11:30 6G and Beyond: Hardware-In-The-Loop Experiments with OTFS Modulation Using SDR paper
Muhammad Nauman; Lukasz Lopacinski; Nebojsa Maletic; Matthias Scheide; Milos Krstic; Eckhard Grass
11:30–11:45 Improvement of Direct Communication to Satellite Using LoRa-FHSS Compared to LoRa-CSS (DEWASAT-1 Case of Study) paper
Balaji Ramachandran; Sidi Ahmed Bendoukha; Jayakumar Vandavasi Karunamurthy
11:45–12:00 Experimental Study of Non-Contact Detection of Vital Signs Using IR-UWB paper
Mahdi Esmaeilishahir; Ali Shakfa; Saeid Karamzadeh
12:00–12:15 Instantaneous Velocity Estimation of Multiple Targets Using Coordinated OFDM RADAR Nodes paper
Yanhua Zhao; Vladica Sark; Milos Krstic; Eckhard Grass
12:15–12:30 Development of an Array of Patch Antennas for Straightforward Beamforming Application paper
Rama Rahardi; Agus D. Prasetyo; Rezki Benedikto Renwarin; Achmad Munir
12:30–12:45 Features of Time-Scale System VLBI Radio Telescope RT-32 Zolochiv paper
Viktor A. Gaidamanchuk
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 – 17:00 MTTW Workshop sessions (Session B2 Microwave Technology remotely ) ( / ITMS conference sessions (in person)
Session B2 Microwave Technology remotely – chairs Romans Kusnins, Andrius Katkevicius ZOOM link: Meeting ID: 964 6425 5850
13:30–13:45 Dualband and Tunable Beam Tilting Wideband High Gain Compact Endfire Antennas Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons paper
Goksel Turan
13:45–14:00 On Regularized T-Matrix Method and Its FMM Acceleration Incorporating Oblique Plane mmWave Scattering by Dielectric Cylinders for Anti-Isorefractive DNG Materials paper
Murat Enes Hatipoglu; Fatih Dikmen
14:00–14:15 Simulation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Autler-Townes Splitting in Microwave Frequency Range paper
Gleb Leonidovich Avdeyenko; Oleg V’yunov; Olexandr Fedorchuk; Roman Kamarali; Olexander Zhivkov; Volodymyr Stepanenko
14:15–14:30 A Dual-Band Flexible Antenna with an Adaptable Design Technique paper
Abdullah M. Alamri; Mohammed Almutlag; Muhmmad Shah Alam; Asif Alam; Khalid AlMuhanna
14:30–14:45 Design and Validation of 2 Port CP MIMO Monopole Antenna for n79 5G Domain paper
Manjunath M n; Vivek Singh; Ajay Kumar Dwivedi
14:45–15:00 Characterization of A 3D-Printed PLA-Based Slotted SIW Antenna paper
Achmad Munir; Muhammad Farhan Maulana; Budi Syihabuddin; Rivaldi Aulia Muhammad
15:00–15:15 Design and Realization of a Wideband Quadratic Wire-Shaped Discone Antenna paper
Rheyuniarto Sahlendar Asthan; Achmad Munir
15:15–15:30 Controllable Microwave Phase Shifter Using Varactor Diodes Loaded Microstrip Line paper
Zulfi Zulfi; Achmad Munir
15:30–15:45 Additive Manufacturing for Developing Present and Future Microwave Components paper
José Rico-Fernández; Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
15:45–16:00 Utilization of 3D Printing Technique for Manufacturing Planar Marchand Balun Fed UHF Vivaldi Antenna paper
Muhammad Farhan Maulana; Zulfi Zulfi; Yamato Tan; Achmad Munir
16:00–16:15 Circularly Polarized Square Loop Shaped Passive RFID Transponder for Thin UHF Applications in Random Mobility Use paper
Boualem Mekimah; Tarek Djerafi; Abderraouf Messai; Abdelkrim Belhedri; Mohammed Boulesbaa; Amira Hamidi
16:15–16:30 Reconfigurable UWB Hexagonal Antenna with U-Stub Form for Cognitive Radio Applications paper
Boualem Hammache; Abderraouf Messai; Idris Messaoudene; Massinissa Belazzoug; Khier Benderradji; Tayeb Denidni
16:30–16:45 Wide-Scan/High-Gain Phased Array Antenna for 5G/6G Cellular Networks paper
Haleh Jahanbakhsh Basherlou; Naser Ojaroudi Parchin; Mohammad Alibakhshikenari; Chan Hwang See
16:45–17:00 Tri-Band Endfire Antenna Array with Wide Angles of Beam-Scanning Capability for 5G mmWave Mobile Communications paper
Ali Zidour; Mouloud Ayad; Mohammad Alibakhshikenari; Haleh Jahanbakhsh Basherlou; Naser Ojaroudi Parchin; Chan Hwang See
17:30 – 18.00 Closing and Awarding Ceremony (
Keynote speeches
Keynote speaker 1
A fast ray-tracing code for the simulation of lens antennas

Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Bio: Oscar Quevedo-Teruel is an IEEE Fellow. He received his Telecommunication Engineering and Ph.D. Degrees from Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain in 2005 and 2010. From 2010-2011, he joined the Department of Theoretical Physics of Condensed Matter at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid as a research fellow and went on to continue his postdoctoral research at Queen Mary University of London from 2011-2013.
In 2014, he joined the Division for Electromagnetic Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden where he is a Full Professor, the Responsible for the Antenna Laboratory and Director of the Master Programme in Electromagnetics Fusion and Space Engineering. He was an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation since 2018-2022 and Track Editor since 2022. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the EurAAP journal Reviews of Electromagnetics since 2020. He was the EurAAP delegate for Sweden, Norway, and Iceland from 2018-2020, and he has been a member of the EurAAP Board of Directors since January 2021. Since January 2022, he is the vice-chair of EurAAP. He was a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for the period of 2019-2022, and Chair of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s Educational Initiatives Programme since 2020.
He has made scientific contributions to higher symmetries, transformation optics, lens antennas, metasurfaces, leaky wave antennas and high impedance surfaces. He is the co-author of more than 130 papers in international journals and more than 200 at international conferences.
Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the operation of a ray-tracing code that can be used to calculate in a few seconds, and extremely accurately, the radiation pattern, efficiency and gain of lens antennas. Lenses are an excellent candidate for new applications in the millimeter frequency regime, especially for antennas with low-scan losses. For example, they are being considered for antenna solutions in 5G/6G, satellite communications in Low-Earth Orbit constellations and automotive radars. However, their simulation and optimization are time-consuming due to their large dimensions in terms of wavelength. In this presentation, Prof. Quevedo-Teruel will explain the theory of ray-tracing, its features, and he will demonstrate its operation with some practical examples.
Keynote speaker 2
Is There Anything that Isn’t Software?

Mike Hinchey
Bio: Professor Mike Hinchey is Professor of Software Engineering at University of Limerick, Ireland, where he was previously Head of Department of Computer Science and Information Systems and Director of Lero-the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centre for Software, a national research centre headquartered at University of Limerick. He is Past President of IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing ( and Past Chair of the IEEE UK & Ireland Section. He is Director-elect of IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa) and serves on IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors. Prior to joining University of Limerick, Professor Hinchey was the Director of the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory. In 2009, he was awarded NASA’s Kerley Award as Innovator of the Year and is one of only 36 people recognized in the NASA Inventors Hall of Fame. Professor Hinchey holds a B.Sc. in Computer Systems from University of Limerick, an M.Sc. in Computation (Mathematics) from University of Oxford and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Cambridge. Professor Hinchey is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Engineering Professional, Chartered Mathematician and Chartered Information Technology Professional, as well as a Fellow of the IET, British Computer Society, Engineers Ireland, and Irish Computer Society, of which he is also Past President. He is Editor-in-Chief of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering: a NASA Journal and Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. In 2018, he became an Honorary Fellow of the Computer Society of India and was the SEARCC Global ICT Professional of the Year 2018. He is a candidate for IEEE Computer Society President-elect (please see ).
Abstract: In this rapidly changing world, evolving technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Mobile Computing are combining to disrupt traditional models and radically change how we live, work, and interact. More importantly, these technologies change the way we live and do business: the world’s largest bookstore is a Cloud Computing provider, and the largest fleet of cars in the world is operated by an app provider. Areas such as healthcare have been transformed dramatically, with better analysis, imaging, detection, diagnosis, treatment, robot-assisted surgery, and even significant advances in sharing health records. We eagerly await the day when cars, buses, trucks, and railways are self-driven, and Industry 4.0 is already upon us, and of course we claim the use of AI in just about everything. All of these advances are entirely dependent on software. We ask the question: is there anything that isn’t software?
Keynote speaker 3
Balanced Model Truncation and its Practical Real-World Applications

Izzet Kale
Bio: Kale is currently Professor Emeritus of Applied DSP and VLSI Systems, and Hon. Director of the Applied DSP and VLSI Research Group (ADVRG) at the University of Westminster which he founded in the late eighties. He is also Chair of the IEEE UK and Ireland Section, the largest IEEE Section in the World.
With his group, he has undertaken numerous next generation product oriented applied research and development projects/contracts for European, US and Japanese corporations, which have led to several consumer electronic ICs, systems and products for the telecommunications, aerospace and biomedical sectors.
Kale, is a nationally and internationally known and respected authority with nearly 40 years of experience in the design and implementation of reduced complexity low-ultra-low-power systems for a variety of applications including but not limited to sensors and sensor networks, communications systems, satellite payloads, embedded systems, biomedical instrumentation and diagnostic systems and real-time DSP Systems, with a significant effort currently in biomedical sensors and instrumentation for rapid diagnosis applications.
He has also spearheaded ground-breaking work in DSP as well as mixed-signal VLSI systems and their IC implementations, mainly in collaboration with industry for their next generation low-power systems and IC products.
He has led many Industry and Research Council sponsored, National, European and International Applied R&D projects as the PI with a very significant project and engineering team management experience, targeting next generation product development and has a 100% track record for timely delivery of outputs to aggressive commercially set deadlines to meet time to market product development cycles for Industry, predominantly in the Biomedical, Sensors and Interfaces, Communications and Satellite sectors.
His research and teaching interests include; digital and analogue signal processing, silicon circuit and system design, digital filter design and implementation, embedded ultra-low-power intelligent systems for IoT sensor networks for biomedical applications, ultra-low-power processing and processor structures for secure communications and transactions for NFC applications, novel ultra-low-power signal processing structures (for use in stringent filtering applications in biomedical such as ECG/EEG applications); real-time solutions for receiver implementation based on data converter and high-speed DSP architectures; high speed, wide bandwidth,high resolution data converters; computationally efficient digital receiver architectures for software defined DAB and GPS, onboard satellite power aware and low-power processor and processing engines for commercial satellites, notably through European Space Agency sponsorship in collaboration with Airbus Defence and Space (formerly EADS Astrium). A notable project here is the European Union sponsored AF3 (Automated Forest Fire Fighting) Project where Kale’s Team developed novel deploy and forget environment monitoring IoT connected embedded intelligent, power aware, self-powered sensor nodes and networks with onboard computational intelligence and self-configuration and Networking capabilities deploying elements of the ADVRG’s Configurable Ultra-Low-Power (CULP) processor IP.
Kale authored and co-authored, ~400 technical papers, 3 books, 11 patents, supervised and co-supervised 39 PhD students to successful completion, examined another 70+ Nationally and Internationally. He has also organised and Chaired several Conferences and Workshops and Special Sessions as General Chair and Co-Chair, served on program Committees and continues to do so.
He is currently working on the efficient implementation of low-power DSP algorithms, circuits and systems, architectures and processors and Sigma-Delta modulator structures for deployment in biomedical sensors and instrumentation as well as complexity and power reduced Satellite payload Systems.
Abstract: This talk will look into the theoretical foundations of Balanced Model Truncation (BMT) which has its origins in the Control Engineering literature, and cover the practical implementation steps, with a view to deploying it in real-world DSP applications.
The speaker will provide a number of examples from the use of the BMT technique, in actual product design and development, from project undertaken for various sectors of industry, where the BMT technique has made a very substantial difference in system order reduction as well as complexity reduction, which resulted in substantial footprint and power reduction in the actual circuit level implementations.
Keynote speaker 4
Global Development Trends of Blockchain Technology

Alex Norta
Bio: Alex Norta is a scientist and entrepreneur currently focusing on his blockchain startups while still working on a fundamental Web3 research project with Tallinn University. Previously, Alex was an associate professor at the Department of Software Science at TalTech University until March 2022. He has also worked as a researcher at the University of Oulu’s Secure Programming Group and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki.
Dr. Norta received his MSc degree in 2001 from the Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria, and his PhD degree in 2007 from Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands. His PhD research on developing the eSourcing concept for dynamic inter-organizational business process collaboration was partly financed by the EU IST project CrossWork. His research interests include business process collaboration, blockchains, smart contracts, oracles, multi-agent systems, e-learning, e-governance, service-oriented computing, software architectures, ontologies, social web, and generative AI. Alex has published over 116 research papers and from the period of 2018-2022, 10 of his PhD students successfully defended their doctoral theses. Alex also brings extensive research experience in IT and emerging technologies such as blockchain to this keynote presentation on global blockchain development trends. He has worked in the past with many blockchain startup companies in their fundraising efforts.
Abstract: Blockchain technology has evolved rapidly over the past decade, from the launch of Bitcoin in 2009 to the emergence of programmable blockchains like Ethereum. This keynote speech will provide an overview of the global development trends in blockchain technology. It will cover the evolution from Blockchain 1.0 focused on cryptocurrencies to Blockchain 2.0 enabling smart contracts and decentralized applications. Architectures like directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have also emerged to address scalability and other limitations.
The speech will highlight major public blockchain infrastructure projects and applications like decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized metaverses, and blockchain games. It will also discuss enterprise blockchain adoption with use cases, Blockchain-as-a-Service offerings, and alliances like the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. Government initiatives around blockchain will be covered, including the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) and central bank digital currency (CBDC) projects.
Key topics include:
– Evolution of blockchain technology
– Scalability solutions like sharding, sidechains, state channels
– Public blockchain applications: DeFi, NFTs, metaverses, games
– Enterprise blockchain adoption and consortia
– Government blockchain projects and central bank digital currencies
The talk provides a comprehensive overview of global blockchain trends relevant to IT professionals, researchers, and developers working in this rapidly evolving space.